Bench Press
The Bench Press Competition is expected to attract max. 90 participants and will be held on 30 of July 2004.
The competition is open for everyone (no special registration or membership needed),
but will be run under IPF (International Powerlifting Federation) rules. The event will also cater
for athletes with a disability.
Lifters may register for one of the following in their weight class and nominate their best result:
Weight categories women: |
 | 44,0 kg class | to 44,00 kg |
| 48,0 kg class | from 44,01 to 48,0 kg |
| 52,5 kg class | from 48,01 to 52,0 kg |
| 56,0 kg class | from 52,51 to 56,0 kg |
| 60,5 kg class | from 56,01 to 60,0 kg |
| 67,5 kg class | from 60,01 to 67,5 kg |
| 75,0 kg class | from 67,51 to 75,0 kg |
| 82,5 kg class | from 75,01 to 82,5 kg |
| 90,0 kg class | from 82,51 to 90,0 kg |
| + 90,0 kg class | from 90,01 kg to unlimited |
Weight categories men: |
 | 52,0 kg class | up to 52,00 kg |
| 56,0 kg class | from 52,01 to 56,0 kg |
| 60,0 kg class | from 56,01 to 60,0 kg |
| 67,5 kg class | from 60,01 to 67,5 kg |
| 75,0 kg class | from 67,51 to 75,0 kg |
| 82,5 kg class | from 75,01 to 82,5 kg |
| 90,0 kg class | from 82,51 to 90,0 kg |
| 100,0 kg class | from 90,01 to 100,0 kg |
| 110,0 kg class | from 100,01 to 110,0 kg |
| 125,0 kg class | from 110,01 to 125,0 kg |
| + 125,0 kg class | from 125,01 kg to unlimited |
Weight categories for lifters with a disability: |
Lifters with a disability will be integrated and follow IPF rules. See the IPF website
www.powerlifting-ipf.com for more information. |
The event will be governed by the rules of the International Powerlifting Federation
Weighing in of the competitors take place two hours before the start of the competition.
Take special care about the dressing-code.
The IPF technical rules can be viewed on their website. Please, also visit Germany's Powerlifting website
www.bvdk.de for rules and doping policy.
We can't except records achieved during the competition.
We shall exclude positive tested athlets of any Federation.
Here, the most essentials of the rules:
Bench Press
- The bench shall be placed on the platform with the head facing the front or angled up to 45 degrees.
- The lifter must lie on his back with shoulders and buttocks in contact with the bench surface. The sole and heel of his shoes must be in contact with the floor or blocks. His hands and fingers must grip the bar positioned in the rack stands with thumbs around grip. This body position shall be maintained throughout the lift.
- To achieve firm footing the lifter may use flat surfaced plates or blocks not exceeding 30 cm in total height to build up the surface of the platform. Blocks in the range of 5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, should be made available for foot placement at all international competitions. Slight or very minor foot movement is allowed for both the platform and on the blocks.
- Not more than three and not less than two spotter / loaders shall be on the platform at anytime. After correctly positioning himself, the lifter may enlist the help of the spotter / loaders in removing the bar from the racks. The lift off if assisted by the spotter / loaders must be at arms length.
- The spacing of the hands shall not exceed 81 cm measured between the forefingers ( both forefingers must be within the 81 cm marks). If in the case of some old injury or anatomically the lifter is unable to grip the bar equally with both hands he must inform the referees prior to lift-off for each attempt and if necessary the bar will be marked accordingly. The use of the reverse grip is forbidden.
- After removing the bar from the racks, with or without the help of the spotter / loaders, the lifter shall wait with elbows locked for the Chief Referee's signal. The signal shall be given as soon as the lifter is motionless and the bar properly positioned. For reasons of safety the lifter will be requested to " Re-place" the bar, together with a backward movement of the arm, if after a period of five seconds he is not in the correct position to begin the lift.
- The signal to begin the attempt shall consist of a downward movement of the arm together with the audible command "start".
- After receiving the signal, the lifter must lower the bar to the chest, hold it motionless on the chest with a definite and visible pause. Motionless to mean : stopped. The one second rule is recommended, i.e. : held for the count of one while motionless at the chest. The lifter must then return the bar to arms length with no excessive / immoderate uneven extension of the arms, both arms locking out simultaneously / together. When held motionless in this position the audible command "rack" shall be given together with a backward motion of the arm.
- If anatomically, the arms cannot be fully extended the lifter shall inform the referees prior to each attempt.
Causes for Disqualification of a Bench Press:
- Failure to observe the Chief Referee's signals at the commencement or completion of the lift.
- Any change in the elected lifting position during the lift proper i.e. : any raising movement of the shoulders, buttocks, from the bench, or feet from the floor / blocks - plates or lateral movement of hands on the bar. Slight or very minor foot movement is allowed. Both sole and heel must stay in contact with the floor / blocks.
- Heaving, bouncing, or, sinking the bar into the chest after it is motionless in such a way as to aid the lifter.
- Any pronounced / exaggerated uneven extension of the arms during the lift.
- Any downward movement of the bar in the course of being pressed out.
- Failure to press the bar to full extension of the arms at the completion of the lift.
- Contact with the bar or the lifter by the spotter / loaders between the Chief Referee's signals, in order to make the lift easier.
- Any contact of the lifter's feet with the bench or its supports.
- Failure to comply with any of the items outlined under the Rules of Performance.
Disabled/Amputee lifters who are competing in bench press championships will have the following additions to their bodyweight:
For each below ankle amputation = 1/54 of bodyweight
For each below knee amputation = 1/36 of bodyweight
For each above knee amputation = 1/18 of bodyweight
For each hip disarticulation = 1/9 of bodyweight
For lifters with dysfunctional lower limbs that require leg braces or similar devices for walking, the
device shall be considered as part of the natural limb and the lifter shall be weighed in wearing the