EuroGames München e.V.
P.O. Box 33 07 02
80067 Munich
Hermann Brem, Dr. Christian Felix, Günther Fischlmaier, Sabine Malecek, Klaus Neumann, Jürgen Roßbach, Sophie Ruhlig, Annette Wolff
Court of registration: |  | Amtsgericht München |
Registration number: | | 17511 |
Tax number: | | 842/61006 |
Legally responsible for the content: EuroGames München e.V.
Editorial: |  | Team Marketing & PR, Conrad Breyer, Günther Fischlmaier |
Translations: | | Mike Eggleton, Simon Windeler, Iris Herwald-Schulz, Sabine Delorme |
Web: | | Christian Felix |
IT Coordination: | | Jens Wilke |
Content Mgt. System: | | Lutz Petersen |
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Despite careful inspection of the content of external links, we can assume no liability for such contents. The contents of linked sites are solely the responsibility of those maintaining these sites.
 By authority of the EGLSF
© 2004 EuroGames München e.V.